Modeled in Maya then Mudbox then 3D printed on my Ultimaker. Click image for HiRez interactive 360.
Click image for interactive 360
I modeled the lowpoly in Maya and did the high resolution details in Mudbox. The wraps are separate geometry from the hand itself. At first I didn’t bother booleaning and combining the geometry because Cura has a great option to ignore internal wall structures. So this allowed me to do less work in between half size test prints. This option combine everything (Type-A) under the expert settings.
I printed this on my Ultimaker Original at 50micron layer height. The main goal was maximum quality so this took almost 40hrs to print. At the time I did not have the heated bed upgrade and printed on blue painters tape which worked fine with PLA. And this was only a 5% infill to save as much time as possible. I did not use any support even though there was some significant over hang with the wraps. This turned out to have an interesting and positive effect for this design with the mummy wraps. The wraps came out stringy on the underside which gave it an unraveled look.
I used Ultimachine White PLA at 210c with retraction to minimize strings. It still had plenty of stringing between the fingers but wasn’t very hard to clean up. I also needed to make sure I had cooling set to at least 15-20 seconds during the last part of the finger nails so it didn’t goop up and I also had dual fans on the printer at that time.
This is also the first version of the Mummy hand as I later redesigned the wraps to be less repetitive between the fingers. I also updated the proportions and fingers.